Seckel European Pear


Seckel European Pear

Pyrus communis Late Summer. Seedling found near Philadelphia, Pa., early 1800s. Sometimes called Sugar Pear.

Often considered the best-flavored of all pears; even the skin is delicious. Small squat fruit is russeted yellowish-brown often with deep red blush. Juicy, spicy, distinctive and aromatic. Eat ripe off the tree, or pick firm and ripen later. We use Seckels to make our baked pear sauce. It’s wonderful.

Very productive annual-bearing large tree, easy to grow. The most reliably bearing pear tree we have in our home orchard. Scab and fireblight resistant. Z4. Maine Grown. (2½–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7345 Seckel

A: 1 ea

Additional Information

European Pears

Although some pears appear to be self-pollinating, we recommend a second variety for pollination. Bloom dates for all varieties are similar. Plant 15–20' apart. For 2024, European Pears and Perry Pears are on OHxF97 or a similar rootstock.

For more info:
About Pears