Shinko Asian Pear


Shinko Asian Pear

Pyrus pyrifolia Fall. Nijisseiki seedling, Japan, 1941. Shinko means ‘new success’ in Japanese.

Yellowish flesh is sweet, crisp and juicy, with very good flavor. Medium-large lumpy round brownish russeted fruit ripens late and stores up to 3 months.

Moderately vigorous precocious annually bearing tree. Fireblight resistant. Z4/5. (3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7352 Shinko

A: 1 ea

Additional Information

Asian Pears

Although partly self-fruitful, pollinators are recommended. The varieties we offer will pollinate one another. Some European pears, notably Bartlett, will also act as pollinators. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Asian Pears