‘Springwood Pink’ Winter Heath


‘Springwood Pink’ Winter Heath

Erica carnea 6-12" × 12-18" Springwood, Stirling, Scotland, before 1930. Possibly a seedling of Springwood White, found by Mrs. Ralph Walker. Profuse pink blooms of distinct bell-shaped flowers in very early spring through April with repeat blooms in August. Foliage is more ferny and wispier than heathers and can be many shades of green through the season. Mounded mat-like growth habit sprawls and crawls like slime mold, and just as pretty. Ours bloomed through a crust of snow for an explosion of flowers with bees of all kinds clambering for early nectar. Ericas have become a favorite of ours. You won’t be able to resist the urge to pet it when you walk past. Super low-maintenance. Plant en masse to create a magical carpet. Species native to the Alps and the British Isles. Z4/5. (4" pots) NEW!
ships in spring

7589 ‘Springwood Pink’ Winter Heath

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