Starkey Apple


Starkey Apple

Malus spp. Fall-Winter. Seedling of Ribston Pippin. Moses Starkey intro, Vassalboro, ME, about 1800.

Exceptionally delicious late fall to early winter dessert apple. In the same league as its parent Ribston Pippin and its probable half-sibling Cox’s Orange Pippin. Medium-sized roundish-oblate fruit is almost entirely rosy-red blushed and striped, then sprinkled with prominent white dots. Off-white flesh is juicy, tender, crisp, mild, lively and subacid.

Rediscovered in 1998 on the farm of Sue and Walter Ernst in Vassalboro with the help of orchardist and life-long Starkey fan, the late Frank Getchell of Vassalboro. A second tree was later discovered in Vassalboro with the help of Bob Clark. In recent years we have also discovered trees farther afield in the Maine towns of Bowdoinham and Industry. Not to be confused with Stark.

Triploid: will not pollinate other varieties. Blooms early midseason. Z4. ME (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7271 Starkey

A: 1 on standard stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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