


Spiraea tomentosa 2-4' × same.

Seeing this bonny little plant makes a heart leap with joy. Seriously, it’s adorable, and we and the pollinators are obsessed with it. A must for every butterfly garden.

Rosy pink steeples emerge as terminal spikes about 4–6" tall, appearing mid-late summer and lasting at least a month. Foliage is medium green, serrated with woolly undersides.

Easy to grow. Lovely en masse. Likes average acid moist soils but not picky. Full sun or part shade. We’ve seen it emerge in newly cut woodlots on dry soil and thriving on pond edges, as single canes or in clumps with multiple blooms. No serious pest or disease issues. Native Nova Scotia to Georgia and inland. Z3. Maine Grown. (1-3' bare-root plants)

ships in spring

7572 Steeplebush

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