Nearly 350 apple trees have been planted so far with many more to come. The trees are managed with innovative organic practices and planted on a terraced hillside alongside native flowers and shrubs to create a polyculture orchard unlike any other. MHO is an educational resource, open to the public during various workshops, tours and volunteer days throughout the year.
You can join in this effort by becoming an Apple Steward. By purchasing a Heritage Orchard Stewardship Apple, you become the proud keeper of one of the varieties represented in MHO. In the event that the orchard’s tree dies, you’ll have the backup so we can collect scionwood for grafting another.
We’ll send you a historic apple tree with a description (if it’s not listed in this catalog), and a form to fill out. After planting your tree, you return the form with the tree’s location to MOFGA. MOFGA will contact you from time to time.
$30 from the sale of each tree goes to support the Maine Heritage Orchard project. All trees best grown from Z4-6. Maine Grown. (3–6' bare-root trees)