Tecumseh Hybrid Plum


Tecumseh Hybrid Plum

Prunus spp. Midsummer. P. sal. Shiro × P. hortulana Surprise. NE Hansen intro, SD Stn, 1923.

Excellent fresh-eating clingstone. Round bright red fruit with a bluish bloom. Firm juicy yellow flesh is only moderately acidic. Reliable and productive. Not well known but considered by some enthusiasts to be one of the best introductions of the great 20th-c. plant breeder NE Hansen. Named in honor of the celebrated Shawnee chief Tecumseh, a leader and great orator who worked for tribal unity and refused to sign the Treaty of Greenville in 1795. Z3/4. Maine Grown. Indigenous Royalties. BACK! (3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7402 Tecumseh

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Additional Information

Hybrid Plums

Hybrid plums require a second variety for pollination. The North American native plum Prunus americana is a particularly good pollinator for hybrid plums. Your plum trees can be planted close to form a thicket, or spaced 15–20' in an orchard setting.

At maturity, hybrid plums are roughly 15–20' tall.

For more info:
About Plums