Highly ornamental shade tree and largest native relative of the magnolia. One of the tallest trees in the eastern U.S. but it will adapt to the space you give it.
Decorated in late spring with large tulip-like flowers that lure in the hummingbirds. Each 6-petaled light lime-yellow flower is ornamented with a bright orange band that extends from petal to petal, visible inside and out. Deeply grooved richly colored bark. Very attractive flat soft-green rounded leaf has a shape like a child’s drawing of a tulip. Golden-yellow fall color.
Fast-growing tree produces a very straight and clear trunk, hence its popularity with furniture makers and boat builders. Reaches full potential toward southern New England but we’ve seen a few impressively large specimens in central Maine.
Full sun, moist well-drained slightly acid loam. Native to eastern U.S. Z5 or maybe Z4. Maine Grown. (1-3' bare-root trees)