Underwood Hybrid Plum


Underwood Hybrid Plum

Prunus spp. Midsummer. MN 91 [(P. sim. × P. sal. Shiro) × P. a. Wyant] U Minn, 1921.

Large 2" dull red fruit. Firm sweet juicy golden-yellow semi-freestone flesh, very good for eating and cooking. Long picking season. Blooms earlier and longer than most hybrids and appears to be a very good pollinator for other hybrid plums, including Purple Heart. Northern Maine grower Steve Miller considers it one of his most reliable bearers. Long ripening season. Vigorous large spreading tree. Z3. Maine Grown. BACK! (3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7404 Underwood

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Additional Information

Hybrid Plums

Hybrid plums require a second variety for pollination. The North American native plum Prunus americana is a particularly good pollinator for hybrid plums. Your plum trees can be planted close to form a thicket, or spaced 15–20' in an orchard setting.

At maturity, hybrid plums are roughly 15–20' tall.

For more info:
About Plums