Winter Banana Apple


Winter Banana Apple

Malus spp. Fall-Winter. Unknown parentage, Adamsboro, IN, 1876.

One of the most famous American heirloom apples. Large blocky brilliant shiny yellow fruit with a bright red blush, rather conical, somewhat ribbed and sometimes with a suture line. Best as a dessert apple: aromatic, slightly crisp, juicy, mild and quite tasty. Good sauce. Some say they detect a banana aroma or flavor. Keeps through the fall and into midwinter. Often planted in the mega-orchards of the Northwest for its compatible and presumably potent pollen.

Blooms midseason. Z4. Maine Grown. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7282 Winter Banana

A: 1 on standard stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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