Yarlington Mill Cider Apple


Yarlington Mill Cider Apple

Malus spp. Fall. Medium-bittersweet cider apple. Yarlington, near North Cadbury, Somerset, England, 1898.

Rich brown low-acid juice, mildly aromatic, fruity and not aggressively tannic. Above-average sugar content. (SG 1.053-1.075, acidity 0.22%, tannin 0.32%) Slow to medium fermentation. Medium-sized yellow distinctly conic fruit with a pinkish blush and overspreading darker red stripes. Considered an all-round excellent cider variety: reliable, productive and adaptable to varying conditions. We’ve heard reports of it thriving in Zone 3. Steve Wood’s other favorite bittersweet (see Dabinett).

Highly recommended for home and commercial cider plantings. You may need to head back the leader in early years to encourage strong laterals. Midseason bloomer. Susceptible to fireblight in some locations. Z3/4. BACK! (Semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7309 Yarlington Mill

D: 1 on G890 semi-dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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