Yoinashi Asian Pear


Yoinashi Asian Pear

Pyrus pyrifolia Fall. Fowler Nurseries intro, Newcastle, CA, about 1987.

Fine-textured off-white flesh is crisp, juicy, aromatic and sweet. Large conic light brown russeted fruit. Means ‘good pear’ in Japanese. It is a good variety! One of the folks at Fowler Nurseries described it to us as having “a little bit of a zip” to it. Harvest after Hosui and before Shinko. Upright medium-vigorous tree. Moderate tolerance to fireblight. Z4/5. (3–6' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7355 Yoinashi

A: 1 ea

Additional Information

Asian Pears

Although partly self-fruitful, pollinators are recommended. The varieties we offer will pollinate one another. Some European pears, notably Bartlett, will also act as pollinators. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Asian Pears