Zestar Apple


Zestar Apple

Malus spp. Late Summer. (State Fair × MN 1691) U Minn, 1999. Also called Zestar!

Extremely hardy high-quality mid-late summer dessert apple. Medium-sized blocky round fruit covered with red stripes and blush. Juicy and crisp with a well-balanced acid/sweet flavor. As the late Michael Phillips, New Hampshire orchardist and author of The Apple Grower, said, “When you tree-ripen Zestar, it’s fabulous.” Northern Maine orchardist Steve Miller added, “That’s an impressive apple. From the standpoint of appearance and quality, they’re first rate.”

Keeps in cold storage up to seven weeks. Tree has moderately vigorous upright form; excellent horizontal branching habit makes it easy to train and prune. Precocious and annual-bearing. Blooms early season. PPA. Z3. Maine Grown. (Semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees; dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7286 Zestar

B: 1 on Bud 118 semi-dwarfing stock
E: 1 on Bud 9 dwarfing stock

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

For more info: