Climate: A New Story


Climate: A New Story

by Charles Eisenstein, 320 pages, 6x9, softcover. A gift to a world disoriented by ecological collapse and haunted by the question of what to do, Eisenstein’s book gets to the heart of the predicament of how to heal our planetary wounds. He passionately illustrates how the dominant climate narrative is keeping us stuck and making matters worse; many of our well-intended efforts lack the wisdom and powerful potential inherent in healthy ecosystems.

The mainstream environmental movement has framed the fight to reduce greenhouse gasses as the only worthwhile endeavor in saving the planet. This approach, however, prevents us from understanding the root of the problem: the destruction of ecosystems is not only an effect of climate change; it is the cause of climate change. The way out of our maze will not be through mitigation technologies or even a widespread switch to renewables. Rather, it will be through following our deeper wish “to protect and restore soil, water, and ecosystems worldwide.”

Healing the biosphere is not solely in the hands of politicians and corporations; instead, it is a path with heart which empowers us all to serve our communities with our unique gifts. If you’re like me, you’ll want to share this book widely and re-inspire our collective efforts to make a beautiful impact. -John Paul Rietz

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