Cold-Hardy Fruits and Nuts: 50 Easy-to-Grow Plants for the Organic Home Garden or Landscape


Cold-Hardy Fruits and Nuts: 50 Easy-to-Grow Plants for the Organic Home Garden or Landscape

by Allyson Levy and Scott Serrano, 384 pages, 7x10, softcover. Levy and Serrano began filling their upstate New York land with chosen plants in 1999, and quickly veered onto the path of creating an “edible experimental station,” now a recognized arboretum and botanical garden. If you are curious to move beyond the more common garden fruits and want to grow what you could never find in the store, this is the book for you. From first-hand experience and extensive research they’ve identified easy-to-grow cold-hardy edible fruits and nuts for home gardens. The 50 plant profiles the authors present read both as natural histories and reference guides. With the right protection, there is a citrus you can grow in Zone 6. Schisandra vine is hardy to Zone 3, can fruit in part shade and produce delicious medicinal berries. Medlar, in Medieval times called openarse due to the fruit’s resemblance to a horse’s rear end, has the flavor and texture of applesauce. Fedco Trees offers many of the plants in this book, making it good companion reading to our Trees catalog. A must-have resource to broaden your fruit and nut horizons. - RS
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