Happy Pigs Taste Better: A Complete Guide to Organic and Humane Pasture-Based Pork Production
Happy Pigs Taste Better: A Complete Guide to Organic and Humane Pasture-Based Pork Production
by Alice Percy, 272 pages, 7½x9½, softcover. Make no mistake. The correlation in the title is not a romantic one. And it could have been chosen only by an ex-vegetarian with an excellent palate. This book is about quality of life, both for pig and farmer. Speaking from ten years experience as an organic hog farmer, Fedco’s own Alice presents the ins and outs of everything from feed sources, housing/bedding options and fencing styles, to marketing, record keeping and staying sane. Comprehensive with all necessary details of humane and organic swine life on the farm, also full of useful and sometimes surprising scientific information. (Want to know the optimal micron size of ground feed to prevent gastric ulcers? It’s in here!) In Happy Pigs, you will read about macro issues like maintaining soil quality and the importance of financial literacy, while learning specific skills such as recognizing ancestral pig behavior, devising appropriate and holistic rations, diagnosing mysterious health conditions, humane and low-stress slaughter at home, and more. Comes with charts and templates for those who do their homework. A must for all beginners in the world of swine. -Aktan Askin
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Happy Pigs Taste Better: A Complete Guide to Organic and Humane Pasture-Based Pork Production