Hardy Apples: Growing Apples in Cold Climates


Hardy Apples: Growing Apples in Cold Climates

by Bob Osborne, 288 pages, 8x10, hardcover. Two of our favorite apple authors are the practicable Michael Phillips and the encyclopedic Dan Bussey. Osborne combines the best of both worlds in this volume, which is half hands-on guide to propagating and cultivating, and half reference text of noteworthy northern apple varieties. Osborne packs a ton of useful information into the thorough, yet succinct, first half of the book, which explains apple growing from “root to fruit.” His more than 40 years of experience and observation of no-spray orcharding reveals countless lessons on how to succeed in the coldest of climates. The overview of major pests and diseases with excellent photos makes it easy to identify what might be plaguing your crop. The second half of the book is like an abridged encyclopedia of apple cultivars, featuring some of Osborne’s favorites. Each apple description is accompanied by beautiful photographs and anecdotes. We’ve even got some new ideas of varieties to try out for Fedco Trees! -JM
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