Hardy Roses: The Essential Guide for High Latitudes and Altitudes
Hardy Roses: The Essential Guide for High Latitudes and Altitudes
3rd edition, by Bob Osborne, 208 pages, 8x10, softcover. More often than not, when I recommend a rose bush to a customer who is looking for a special plant for their yard or a gift for a friend, I recognize the same trepidation I felt years ago when I brought home my first rose. Not knowing much about these shrubs with a fussy reputation, it felt like stepping onto a high wire. But there is good news! Cold-hardy roses are a good fit for those of us who tend our plants but can’t be bothered to coddle them. With only a little effort on your part, roses will reward you with magnificence. One of the most thoughtful gardeners and poetic plant writers I’ve encountered, Bob writes, “I like to think of plants and animals as fragile crystals growing out of the minerals on the Earth’s surface into the gases of the atmosphere.” Even if you don’t plan to grow roses, you’ll still get a thorough and truthful lesson on soil, pruning, winter hardiness and pests. Broken into two parts: part one covers planning, care, propagation and lessons in organic horticulture; part two categorizes roses by type (climbers, tall shrubs, semi-vigorous shrubs, low shrubs, groundcovers) with dozens of individual rose cultivar profiles per category. Each profile is accompanied by a scrumptious photo. This is a third edition and reflects significant changes from the original. - JR
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Hardy Roses: The Essential Guide for High Latitudes and Altitudes