ships in fall
All-Spring Mix

For big plantings where you want an extended bloom time, go with this superb mix of early, midseason and late varieties. read more


ships in fall
Amsterdam Mix

Brighten up your spring landscape with this balanced mix of yellows from several Narcissus classes. read more


B&B Summer Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
A cover crop blend of 40% buckwheat, 40% BMR sorghum/sudangrass, and 20% Sunn Hemp for nitrogen fixation. Loves heat. First-rate smother crop and biomass builder formulated to reliably winter-kill. read more


ships in fall
Blushing Purple Mix

A sensational mix of Triumph tulips, featuring large cup-shaped flowers on sturdy stems. Shades of red, yellow and orange, with a touch of purple... read more


ships in fall
Darwin Hybrid Impressions Mix

Large egg-shaped blooms on tall sturdy stems in a striking mix of pinks, soft red and apricot. A popular choice for landscapes because they are... read more


Grass Seed: CR Lawn Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
All-purpose lawn blend for the Northeast. Good for a range of conditions, full sun to partial shade. Makes a great understory for orchards and other perennial woody crops. read more


Hairy Vetch/Winter Rye Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
Superb cover crop mix for fall planting where mechanical tillage is available the following spring. 78% winter rye and 22% hairy vetch. Adds nitrogen to the soil and suppresses weed growth. read more


ships in fall
Holland Mix

An elegant mix of white Narcissus that brings a level of sophistication to flower arrangements and landscapes. read more


ships in fall
Large-Flowering Mix

A favorite of landscape professionals for mass plantings. Includes multiple classes of long-stemmed Narcissus in a wide range of colors. read more


Magic Carpet Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
Diverse multispecies clover-heavy mix is great as a soil-building living mulch under tall-growing competitive crops, like cannabis. Suitable in raised beds, containers and high tunnels. read more


ships in fall
Miniatures Mix

An assortment of miniature Narcissus. Great for low-borders, containers, rock gardens, or throughout your lawn! read more


NOFA Cover Crop Cocktail - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
With annuals and biennials, grasses and legumes and broadleafs, and roots of all shapes and sizes, this blend mimics natural diversity and encourages a flourishing and balanced microbial population. read more


Northern Growers’ Winterkill Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

This mix offers organic matter production, nitrogen fixation, nutrient scavenging, erosion control, and weed suppression. Perfect for no-till growers and gardeners who work with hand tools only. read more


Pasture Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
Perennial pasture mix of grasses and clover, well suited to Maine and other areas with similarly variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing. read more


Pea/Oat Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

This dynamic cover crop duo has become a favorite of growers who value its vigorous growth and soil-building prowess, along with the assurance that it will winterkill up North. read more


PVO Soil-Building Seed Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

currently on backorder
A superior soil-building cover crop mix. The oats come up first and are pulled down by the peas, which are then pulled down by the smothering vetch. Weeds don’t stand a chance in that jungle! read more


ships in fall
Romantic Mix

A classic combination of pinks and white blooms in the Double Late class features large long-lasting peony-like flowers on sturdy stems.... read more


ships in fall
Rotterdam Mix

A soft blend of Narcissus, with cups in shades of coral, salmon, apricot and peach. read more
